The last couple of months of my life have felt rather like being in a holding pattern above an airport, circling endlessly, lost in the clouds, waiting for clearance to start my descent from freefall into a new era of my life.
I think yesterday the signal finally came through.
I got a phonecall asking me to come in for a job interview on Thursday afternoon; a job I really want, and think I could do well. If I get it there's going to be a significant period of adjustment, as I haven't actually held down a fulltime job since I quit the public service in 1989. Yes, 1989. That's sixteen bloody years ago. Shit. Let me shake my head in disbelief and think about that for a moment.
Sixteen...years? Wow. I feel suddenly old. Sixteen years of working in part time jobs (as a medical receptionist at the Victorian AIDS Council, as the Text Coordinator of the 2000 Next Wave Festival, and as the Artistic Director of the youth arts organisation Express Media). Sixteen years of falling in love with all manner of music. Sixteen years of writing, spoken word performance, zine-making, and now blogging. Learning to DJ, opening Apocalypse, Abyss and finally Q + A. What a wild 16 years it's been!
Admittedly I'm putting a lot of hope into getting the job in question, but if I don't, well, something else will turn up, I know. I'll have to sign up for the dole first though, as I'm running out of money fast!
The other 'end of the holding pattern' signal yesterday was that after talking about it ever since getting home from Europe last month, I finally went and joined a gym. Today I was weighed and measured, and on Friday I go in to be walked through my fitness routine and be taught how to use the gym equipment without hurting myself.
There are plenty of other changes I want to make in my life (like starting to cook again for starters, and then maybe finding myself a goddamn boyfriend) but it really does feel as if a new direction is opening up before me. Like every other change in my life, I have no idea where it will lead...
Whci I guess is the exciting part!
I know your post was about alot of other things (and good on your for them - I too am in a transitional period... hurrah for us!) - but couldn't help but notice you said you started Q+A? like - the Q+A that so many of my friends go to (and I've yet to be invited to tag along with... *grumble*)???? that's cool dude, very very cool.
ps. In case you don't know, I have a bad case of fan-geekiness, and I tend to get more excited about things than I really should... I'm not actually awe-struck, you needn't get weird with me.....
Look! What's that over there?? *points and runs away*
Yep, that Q + A, as in the club Queer + Alternative, which me and my DJ partner Peter started up ten years ago this November, and which is now in its third home following the shock closure of The Builders' Arms Hotel. If your friends haven't invited you yet well, they should have, but hey, now I can invite you instead, which is way cooler. Come to our 10th birthday, which is on the last Thursday in November. Please?
what do you mean the builders is closed??? ***what's wrong with you?*** geez, i leave town for five minutes ... and i'm sure howard had a hand in it. sniff.
Yeah sorry Davey - the Builders was sold about 4 months back and closed for renovations the same day. We had two hours notice that we had to go in and collect all our equipment, cd's etc, which meant that we only had 24 hours to find a new home for the night. It's now at A Bar Called Barry each Thursday...
And when are you coming home?
not till february. i'm sure a bar called barry will have been sold off by then too. what a waster. stay cool.
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